How To Shop Healthy at Walmart (or anywhere) Guide!
This awesome resource exists because I realized that no matter how many meal plans I help people create... knowing WHAT to actually buy at the store (especially in a small town like mine) is crucial for eating healthily & reaching your goals of losing weight, reducing pain & inflammation, and just FEELING better!
There are SO MANY items in the grocery store nowadays, many of them marketed as healthy that are NOT in actuality (that’s another topic for another day), it can be so overwhelming knowing how to balance between your budget & what’s healthy for you & your entire family. Buying *mostly* whole foods, organic when possible, and reading ingredients/labels on packaged food is what I’ve mastered over the years to eat clean 80% of the time... which helps lead the life of moderation!
We finally got the grocery pickup option available at our local Walmart, and they have the nutrition information & ingredient lists for each item you can look at before adding to your cart as well. I highly recommend doing this for pickup or delivery, as well as in the store wherever you shop if you truly want to eat healthier... before you know it... it will just be a normal habit for you!
As someone who lives in a small town, there isn’t a lot of options for grocery shopping. Luckily, Walmart has really stepped up their efforts to track their food, specifically their fresh food from farm to table, so that they now have better quality control.
In this guide, you will get:
• a brief training on how to read ingredient lists instead of relying only on what’s marketed on the front of the label
• my preferred healthier brands available at most Walmarts
• what foods are most worth going organic for
• quick tips for setting yourself up for success
• a quick glance list of things I suggest never wasting money on
• a list, broken into department/category, of everything I have on my grocery list for WM at some point or another
Happy shopping!
Click the image to download the pdf guide!