Butternut Squash Soup
We make homemade soup instead of canned these days (not that we don’t have some way back in the pantry for emergencies). You get to avoid the additives that may irritate your gut, while still enjoying the warm nutrients of whole foods in a soup! I try to have butternut squash on hand more these days, even if I’m the only one who usually eats it, especially during the Fall & Winter when it’s in season. My version of homemade butternut squash soup is super simple!
1 large or 2 small butternut squash
1 can of organic full fat coconut milk
water is optional to thin it out
1 tbsp turmeric
1 tbsp garlic powder
salt & pepper to taste
experiment with what other seasonings you may enjoy with butternut squash
red pepper flakes or cilantro to top
Cut squash(es) in half, scoop out the seeds, and roast flesh down on an oven pan at 425 degrees for 25-30 mins (or until soft).
Once it’s soft & cooled enough to handle, cut away with skin, and add flesh to a pot on low/med stove top heat
Add coconut milk & spices/seasonings
Mash to blend, use an immersion blender or actual blender until smooth (if it’s still hot, watch the splatter!)
Top with preferred seasonings/flavors
Store in air-tight container in fridge for up to 5 days or so. I enjoyed the bowl above with a serving of Siete chips! If you try it, I hope you love it!