Ionic Foot Detox

What Is An Ionic Foot Bath?

An ionic foot bath detox is a natural method of assisting the body in eliminating harmful toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful foreign matter.

Who Can Benefit?

It is a suggested therapy for people who have accumulated many stored toxins and are not able to get rid of them efficiently, due to overworked liver, spleen, and kidney functions.

Also recommended therapy for those who take a lot of medications. The ionic detox foot bath does not eliminate beneficial medications from the body. In short, anyone aside from pregnant/nursing moms and those with pacemakers or experience seizures.

Ionic Foot Detox Benefits

  • Purging of heavy metals

  • A more balanced pH level

  • Reducing inflammation

  • Purging of yeast

  • Detoxifying the liver

  • Internal cleansing with full-body purge

  • Liver, kidney, and parasite cleansing

  • Enhancing the immune system

  • Fights off common cold & flu


What to Expect

During the session, most find the experience VERY relaxing and it is not unusual for the client to fall asleep. The session takes about 30 minutes and are $40 per solo session, and you can also do it at the same time with a friend!

Some people may experience a slight tickling or tingling sensation from the ionic foot bath detox.

After the session, most will feel relaxed, balanced, and focused. There is usually no pain. People who suffer from excessive toxicity may experience some discomfort as their bodies release toxins from the tissues for elimination.

After a foot bath detox, clients are encouraged to drink plenty of water to assist with making elimination easier and more comfortable. Some people may experience fatigue or headache after a session.

How Often Is Ok?

It is suggested that you begin with 6, a total of 6 sessions over a 3-5 week period to maximize detoxification. After these initial sessions, you can move to monthly sessions.

How Does an Ionic Foot Bath Detox Work?

Electrical current passes through a set of plates in a module that is immersed in the water inside the foot bath tub. The foot bath water contains a special sea salt, so it has the mineral concentration of water from the ocean. While the client’s feet are in the water, positive and negative ions are emitted by the foot bath system.

This re-energizes the body and the red blood cells. It eliminates toxins that are stored in fat, kidneys, liver, bowels, and skin. The foot bath also triggers the body’s lymphatic system, which helps with continuing detoxification for up to 24 to 48 hours after a session.

How Do Ionic Foot Baths Balance Molecules?

The major health objective is to have healthy cell molecules. There must be a balance of positive and negative ions in cells and molecules. If the atoms or molecules lose electrons, the atoms and molecules become positively-charged ions. If they gain electrons, they become negatively-charged ions.

The ionic technique of cleansing through the feet provides a full-body purge of all vital organs. This can alleviate menopause symptoms, menstrual cramps, sexual health problems, skin problems, acne, sleep problems, restlessness, stress, toothaches, wrinkles, aches and pains, and yeast infections.

The internal cleansing can also contribute to faster disease healing and injury recovery. Due to a busy and stressful lifestyle, many people do not eat as balanced of a diet as they’d like. We’re also exposed to many environmental toxins in our daily lives as well. We end up storing excessive quantities of toxins and waste products in our bodies. Even though our bodies naturally detox on their own as a natural process, with excessive consumption of toxins, it’s great to incorporate natural ways to support our natural process.

During a detoxifying foot bath session, ions from the module enter the body and begin to neutralize tissue acid wastes. This process is called reverse osmosis.

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Ionic Detox Foot Bath