14 Water Secrets: The Truth About Water, Distilled Water, Reverse Osmosis, and More!
Water is critical to our health and the first building block for life. This is why it is one of the five forces in the book SuperLife by Darin Olien, and I took this info straight from his amazing blog to share with YOU. I have been learning from him for years, and this is such great info about something that is SUPER important for overall health (and one of my Pillars of Health): HYDRATION. Below you’ll find answers to some of the top frequently asked questions (FAQs) on water they receive. Read on to the find the A’s to your Q’s.
1.Does it really matter what water you drink?
I’d love to tell you that water is water is water. But it is just not all the same! Drinking just any kind of water often won’t enable the hydration and detoxification you desire in your body for optimal health. Most of our water has been run through water treatment plants, while this creates technically “clean” water and helps prevent waterborne disease (making it a very necessary process in many places), it really creates a whole new “tea” with a long list of chemicals and additives that bring small foreign particles into your body.
In order to fully hydrate your body, switch to drinking a water source that is reverse osmosis (RO) or distilled.
Why? These types of water are like a perfect, blank clean canvas for cleansing and hydrating your body because all the little, invisible particles water treatment added have been removed. Filtered water gets SOME of the particles out, but not all of them. Micron filtration goes even further, filtering water through microscopic holes to remove even more contaminants than standard filters can. But only RO or distilled water are a perfectly clean slate for your body to use.
2. I’ve been told NOT to drink distilled water. Why is that?
You may have been told not to drink distilled water. It’s because electrolytes are removed through the RO or distilling process. Electrolytes are foundational nutrients of the body, and they must be present to create water that’s accessible for your body and cells. The solution is to add them back to your water through Himalayan crystal salts which add back the electrolytes in a pure form. See No. 3 below for how much salt to add.
3.How much salt do you add to distilled or reverse osmosis water?
Hands down, bar none, this is the MOST ASKED QUESTION. And it is a great one! It is so important to add unprocessed/ unrefined salts to the distilled, structured water or reverse osmosis water you drink. Here are the ratios:
Add half a teaspoon of unprocessed/unrefined Himalayan crystal salt to a gallon of water.
Add a pinch of salt in a twelve-ounce glass.
You can add a pinch to your coffee or tea as well.
4. Why Himalayan Crystal Salt? What’s so special about it? Why not other salts?
Many salts are stripped of minerals and bleached. Himalayan crystal salt is mined from ancient sea beds, so it is pure from modern environmental toxins. It provides 60+ trace minerals, along with your needed electrolytes, plus it has a unique ionic energy that is released when the salt is mixed with water. This means the salt is the right size and proper action of molecules for ideal synergy with your body and cells.
5. I have had distilled water for over 20 years and I’ve never added anything back into it. Do I really need to?
You should definitely consider adding Himalayan crystal salt to your water. Distilled water does not have any minerals, and those minerals are essential for the body to absorb water well and maintain long-term health.
6. What’s your thoughts on the Kangen machine and alkaline water?
I recommend reverse osmosis (RO) or distilled water. Kangen uses some filtration and some electrolysis that structures the water, but it doesn’t get the water clean or filtered enough. The water still has a large amount of total dissolved solids (TDS). Just because the PH is altered does not mean it is safe or good water. There are many factors to consider.
7. How can I make my own distilled water?
Yes! The ideal option is to put a reverse osmosis (RO) or a personal distiller in your home. If you cannot do this, you can buy distilled or RO water and add Himalayan crystal salt to it.
8. Can I just drink purified water?
It depends on what filtration system the “purified” water you are asking about is made from. Just because water is labeled as “purified” doesn’t mean that the water is clean or filtered enough. The water can still have a large amount of total dissolved solids (TDS).
9. What about well water? I live in a rural area and we have our own well.
The best way to find out the quality of your water is to test it. Well water is commonly high in nitrates, arsenic, and lead. Use a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) meter or a pH meter when testing. Testing would let you know if you need to take steps to filter it or change your water supply.
10. Should we be concerned getting our distilled water in plastic containers?
Glass is always best if you can find it. However, distilled water is easiest to find in plastic, which is fine. The cost benefit ratio of getting water that is CLEAN in plastic far outweighs the issue of the plastic.
11. How does one improve hydration on a cellular level? On a whole body level? On a community level? On a planet level?
Drinking enough clean water will impact the cells first, then the whole body, resulting in a healthier and happier person. Someone who is strong from good hydration and awareness can and will naturally be attracted to making positive changes in their community and for the planet. Hydration is essential to all people, regardless of their region, race, ethnicity, religion, or economic class. If every person on Earth was willing and able to be properly hydrated, think of all that we could accomplish!
12. How does swimming pool water affect hydration?
Unfortunately most pools contain chemicals that are harmful for our bodies. Pools containing bromine may interfere with iodine, thyroid, and adrenal reception. Chlorine, commonly found in pools, affects brain. By immersing oneself in these chemicals we force the liver to clean these added toxins. Some people are able to keep a safe, chemical-free pool by using saline or salt water instead of the typical chlorinated cocktail. Some people pump ozone into their pool, which kills unwanted bacteria without harming humans. Being chemical-free does not mean you have to give up your beloved water recreation and sports!
13. I don’t like the taste of water. What should I do?
Pure, simple water is always the best choice for your body. But true hydration does mean drinking a lot of it, so if your taste buds need a break, try infused water. Your taste buds will love the mix up, and the water will absorb some of the nutrients in the added fresh, organic herbs, fruits, and vegetables. For example, adding a simple organic slice of lemon or cucumber both have an alkalizing effect! Try adding your favorite organic fruit and even a bold kick of ginger! For some simple, refreshing options, check on this blog.
14. Why do you have different things to say when it comes to water than other health practitioners?
Water is a very big topic! The truth is fresh, clean spring water is the absolute best because it is clean, vacant of heavy deposits, energized from the rocks and motion that creates Ionic potential (IP). However because plastic bottles and transportation effect water, the best way for large populations of people to drink water is to first clear it of the debris that can cause problems and lower the TDS and balance the PH. I recommend RO or distilled water because these types of water are like a perfect, blank clean canvas for cleansing and hydrating your body because all the little, invisible particles have been removed. You may have been told not to drink distilled water. It’s because electrolytes are removed through the RO or distilling process. Electrolytes are foundational nutrients of the body, and they must be present to create water that’s accessible for your body and cells. The solution is to add them back to your water through Himalayan crystal salts. You can also re-energize water again by electrolysis or vortation or vortex, check out http://www.superlife.com/project/structured-water/. You can also read more in his book SuperLife where I have a whole chapter on the truth about water in your body.
Thank you for letting me introduce you to one of my health heroes, Darin Olien!