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Ready to get Barefoot & Balanced?

Join the waitlist to be the first to know
the details for this life-changing program!


There are so many different ways to create a healthy lifestyle, and that’s part of the problem… it can be so overwhelming on where you should start! You’ve come to me because you are ready to decide which way is best for YOU. What most programs fail to do is teach the most important aspects of the lifestyle change AND to reinforce that there is no one right way to improve your health & succeed. 

Barefoot & Balanced is a program that I created out of a need to serve my clients that wasn’t going to involve another specific meal plan or predetermined workout routine. I’m going to show you how to take a holistic approach your overall health (which has collateral benefits like weight loss, etc) to better your life in a way that lasts!

I’ve spent years learning, testing and researching how holistic nutrition & wellness habits lead to a balanced lifestyle -- and when I add in my speciality in behavioral analysis, the results can be pretty dang impressive, and the best part is that it puts YOU in the driver’s seat.

But, don’t worry… I’ll be with you every mile of the way! The road changes throughout any journey, and learning how to best ADAPT will make your journey enjoyable, no matter where you’re heading.

No matter which program package you choose (there will be options), by Spring your mind + body will be better balanced as you experience real change!

This 6-week program features:
- weekly lessons + educational materials, a tracker, downloadable resources, direct communication with me inside a private app

- recommendation for your regimen of vitamin/adaptogen to optimize nutrition, manage stress, & support bodily functions based off your personal health assessment + goals

- 1:1 initial consultation call with me to answer questions, set expectations, & create an individualized approach

- with the DELUXE package, there are also opportunities for weekly 1:1 Calls with me to customize your behavior changes to provide extra accountability

All so that you can get to the root of your issues and make healthy changes in creating habits that will serve you for the rest of your life.

Just imagine…

Imagine being able to finally control your sugar cravings. Imagine being able to confidently make decisions when it comes to food and not feel guilty. Imagine not getting bloated after every meal.
Imagine being able to sleep better than you have in years, fitting in your clothes better, have clearer skin, and more energy. Imagine learning how to simplify your approach to health and stick to it because it’s a DOABLE process YOU apply to your life.

A generic meal plan and basic workout schedule just won’t give you this… I will go deeper with you!

Sign up to be on the waitlist for the next round of

barefoot & balanced!


 I know what it’s like starting a health program, only to be met with frustration, a lack of support & motivation, and in the end -- minimal results.
Not to mention, some things out there are just not actually good for your health, and maybe even dangerous.

You’re not here to become a fitness model. You’re not here to take on a complicated plan just to be left overwhelmed. You’re not here for a quick fix without lasting benefits.
The last thing you need is more stress when you’re trying to become a healthier version of yourself!

You’re here to create a healthy lifestyle foundation that you can take with you anywhere and feel so confident, it’s almost effortless. Once you learn how to create the health behaviors that work for YOUR unique body & life… you’ll be unstoppable.

Because of the all-important 1:1 component option that this program offers,
I’m only limited to 6 people for each session with the DELUXE package.
Don’t miss the next round! Get on the waitlist today to receive the details soon!
