It’s time to get Barefoot & Balanced.
aN INDIVIDUALIZED approach to healthy.
There are so many different ways to create a healthy lifestyle, and you’ve come to me because you are ready to decide which way is best for YOU! This is no cookie-cutter approach… you’ll learn how to advocate for your own health, experiment to discover what’s best for you, and embrace becoming a forever student of your own health. What most programs fail to do is teach the most important aspects of the lifestyle change AND to reinforce that there is no one right way to improve your health & succeed.
Barefoot & Balanced is a program that I created out of a need to serve my clients that wasn’t going to involve another specific meal plan or workout schedule.
I’ve spent years learning, testing and researching how holistic nutrition & wellness habits lead to a balanced lifestyle -- and when I add in my speciality in behavioral analysis, the results are pretty dang impressive, and the best part is that it puts YOU in the driver’s seat.
But, don’t worry… I’ll be with you every mile of the way!